Climates of Inequality
Climates of Inequality is a participatory public memory project created by students, educators, and community leaders in over 20 cities across the US and around the world. Local teams work together to activate the histories of “frontline” communities: those who have contributed the least to the climate crisis but bear its heaviest burdens. Their multi-media portraits expose the roots of current environmental injustice, and share generations of frontline communities’ strategies for resistance, resilience, and mitigation. The project promotes future visions for confronting the climate crisis that understand, and undo, past environmental harms. By compiling these histories in an evolving, internationally traveling exhibit with local events at every stop, this project seeks to affirm frontline communities’ work and inspire others to action for climate and environmental justice.
Your community’s story is critical for building global vision and action. Learn how to add your history or bring the project to your city.
Climates of Inequality is a project of the Humanities Action Lab, a coalition of universities led by Rutgers University-Newark working with issue organizations and public spaces to create traveling public projects on the past, present, and future of pressing social issues.
What’s with this map?
Countries on this map are sized to show their relative CO₂ emissions from energy use from 1850 to 2011. Historical (or “cumulative”) emissions remain relevant because CO₂ can remain in the air for centuries. Europe and the US dominate, having released around half of all the CO₂ ever emitted.
Humanities Action Lab Hub Staff
Climates of Inequality is made possible by the generous support of Rutgers University’s School of Arts and Sciences-Newark; the Humanities Action Lab’s university partners and their local funders; and Express Newark.