Springfield, MA
1969: I-91 not only destroyed swathes of the North End, but physically divided it.
Courtesy of the Lyman & Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History, Springfield, MA.
The North End, a primarily Latinx neighborhood in Springfield, Massachusetts, faces environmental hazards from Interstate 91, the Connecticut River, and years of heavy industry. Exposure to pollutants from the highway and mold from flooding has resulted in respiratory problems among North End residents and high absentee rates at the Gerena School.
The construction of I-91 exacerbated environmental issues in the North End. Built in 1975, Gerena attempted to heal urban renewal’s destruction in the 1960s. Gerena reconnected the North End neighborhoods that the highway severed and provided community services until persistent flooding closed the community center in 1994.
Neighbor to Neighbor’s coalition of activists and school officials applies pressure on city administrators, situating Gerena within initiatives to improve community well-being in the North End. Their efforts resulted in an EPA Health Impact Assessment report in 2014, but the community has not yet reached a consensus on the best course of action.