Albany, NY
2019: For over 100 yrs. residents lived in the shadow of dirty fossil fuel infrastructure projects.
Courtesy of A.J. Schneller, Skidmore College.
NY Gov. Cuomo has proposed converting the Albany NY Solid Waste Energy Recovery System (ANSWERS) to a fracked gas power plant to provide heating-cooling and electricity to the Empire State Plaza. The proposal locks NY into decades of reliance on dirty energy and exacerbates a century of pollution and health ills endured by the community.
Between 1911 and 1994 NY State sited a coal power plant and trash incinerator—ANSWERS—in the predominantly Black community of Sheridan Hollow. The air and soils were polluted by toxic ash, resulting in cancer, asthma, and blight. Sheridan Hollow met the criteria for an EJ community as set forth by the State DEC Office of Environmental Justice since the policy was enacted in 2003.
Sheridan Hollow Alliance for Renewable Energy (SHARE) is a grassroots NGO opposing the Governor’s proposal. Advocating for renewable energy projects that benefit both the residents and Empire State Plaza, it demonstrates how reparations can be realized through a transformed EJ community.