Happening Now
Come Sit at LCC's (Virtual) Kitchen Table

This fall, the University of Illinois-Chicago's Latino Cultural Center (HAL's local partner for Climates of Inequality) and the Arab American Cultural Center will host informal conversations on two pressing issues: anti-Blackness in our communities and the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
Participants will be able to sit at one of LCC's virtual virtual kitchen tables and meet other people to cook up collective ideas for change around these two topics.
Breakout Room Session #1 October 13, 2020, 12:00pm-1:00pm (Central) Topics: "Peeling Away Anti-Blackness" and "Heated Elections"
RSVP here. (Zoom link will be provided via email after registration.)
Find out more about UIC's Latino Cultural Center and the Arab American Cultural Center.